Alaska Army National Guard Staff Sgt. Fabiana Kirtley, left, survey team chief, and Alaska Air National Guard Tech Sgt. Conrad Slocum, survey team member, both with the 103rd Weapons of Mass Destruction - Civil Support Team, prepare for initial entry into a notional lab believed to be capable of manufacturing biological weapons at the Nome, Alaska, Fire Training Center as part of Exercise ORCA 2023, June 12. During initial entry the team uses handheld radiation and nerve, blister, and blood agent detectors as part of the site characterization process. The biennial exercise includes units from five other states and is part of the CST’s routine training schedule, designed to maintain readiness, validate response procedures, and collaborate with community first response agencies across the state.
230612-Z-CA180-2018.JPG Photo By: Balinda O'Neal

NOME, Alaska - Alaska Army National Guard Staff Sgt. Fabiana Kirtley, left, survey team chief, and Alaska Air National Guard Tech Sgt. Conrad Slocum, survey team member, both with the 103rd Weapons of Mass Destruction - Civil Support Team, prepare for initial entry into a notional lab believed to be capable of manufacturing biological weapons at the Nome, Alaska, Fire Training Center as part of Exercise ORCA 2023, June 12. During initial entry the team uses handheld radiation and nerve, blister, and blood agent detectors as part of the site characterization process. The biennial exercise includes units from five other states and is part of the CST’s routine training schedule, designed to maintain readiness, validate response procedures, and collaborate with community first response agencies across the state. (Alaska National Guard photo by Balinda O’Neal)


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