Who we are:
The Joint Force Headquarters-Alaska Inspector General office is led by an Active Duty colonel detailed by the Department of the Air Force and National Guard Bureau. We are comprised of a mix of full-time and part-time military (Army and Air Force).
What we do:
The JFHQ-AK IG office performs inspection, assistance, investigation, and teaching and training functions for the specific purpose of enhancing the AKNG's readiness and war-fighting capability. We serve as an impartial fact-finder and confidential advisor to the adjutant general and provide a sounding board for sensitive issues.
How we do it:
An extension of the adjutant general's eyes, ears, and conscience, we seek out systemic issues that adversely affect the AKNG, inspect those systemic issues to identify problem areas, and make recommendations that directly addresses the causes of these problem areas. In addition, we assist Soldiers and Airmen of all ranks to resolve issues and allegations of misconduct within the AKNG."